Thursday, November 28, 2013

Mengekalkan KEjelitaan dan MElawan KUlit MEnjadi PEnuaan

Drinking three litres of water a day took TEN YEARS off my face: Sarah, 42, was hoping to solve her headaches and poor digestion... just look what else happened

  • One in five women drinks less than the recommended daily intake of water
  • Every system and function in our body depends on water...
  • Especially because the liquid flushes toxins from vital organs
By Sarah Smith

You might think I'd have little in common with a camel, but we do share one useful skill: both of us can go for a very long time without water.
Usually I start my day with a cup of tea, then I might have a glass of water with my lunch and one with dinner - that's about a litre of liquid in 24 hours. It feels like plenty, but apparently it's not nearly enough.
After years of suffering headaches and poor digestion I spoke to a neurologist about my regular headaches and a nutritionist about my poor digestion, and both told me I should be drinking up to three litres of liquid a day for my body to function at its best.
After four weeks: Sarah looks like a different woman
After four weeks: Sarah looks like a different woman

Then, when I read a recent survey suggesting that at least one in five women in the UK consumes less than the recommended daily intake of water, I decided to conduct an experiment. What would happen if I drank the recommended amount every day for a month?
The photograph of me taken the day I started this trial demonstrates perfectly - and rather frighteningly - what a lack of hydration does to a face.
I am 42, but have to admit I look more like 52 in this picture, which is shocking. There are dark shadows under and around my eyes, which make me look exhausted, a profusion of wrinkles and strange reddish blotches, and my skin lacks any lustre. It looks dead.

My daughters, Alice, eight, and Betty, four, tell me I look 'about 100 years old' in this photograph and I have to agree.
Even my lips look shrivelled. This is all classic evidence of poor hydration, apparently. Every system and function in our body depends on water.
It flushes toxins from the vital organs, carries nutrients to cells, provides a moist environment for ear, nose and throat tissues, and eliminates waste.
Not drinking enough means all these functions become impaired. So I decided to see how I would look and feel if I drank three litres of water every day for 28 days. The results were astonishing . . .
Dehydration: One in five women consumes less than the recommended daily intake of water
Dehydration: One in five women consumes less than the recommended daily intake of water

Week One

Weight: 8st 7lb
Waist: 28in
Three litres of water is just over five pints, which sounds like an awful lot. I visit my local GP in Hebden Bridge, Yorkshire, to be sure there can be no adverse health implications to upping my water intake so dramatically.
He is very encouraging. 'I suggest you have a big jug of water in the morning, then another in the afternoon and another in the evening,' he says. 'Your kidneys, which filter waste products from the blood before turning it to urine, will quickly feel the benefit, as they will be getting a good flush through.'
I usually have a wee three times a day: when I get up, before I go to bed and at some point in the afternoon. By the end of my first day of drinking more water, I have had six and my usually sluggish bowels are much more lively.
I exfoliate my face every day to try to get rid of dry patches before I apply moisturiser, but suddenly I seem to be breaking out in spots. Maybe it's all the toxins coming out of my skin. A few days into the experiment I'm still urinating five or six times a day but it's clear now, rather than dark yellow.
I'm enjoying lots of cups of tea. My husband says that's cheating, but I tell him the British Nutritional Foundation says 'moderate amounts of caffeine do not cause dehydration, so they do count towards your fluid intake'.
I meet friends for a drink one night, remembering that alcohol is a diuretic (a substance which promotes the production of urine), acting on the kidneys. For every one alcoholic drink, your body can eliminate up to four times as much liquid.
I assume a white wine spritzer is a good option because the alcohol is diluted with soda water, and I sip water between alcoholic drinks throughout the evening.
Hangover headaches result from dehydration: the body's organs try to make up for a lack of water by stealing it from the brain, as a result of which it actually shrinks.
Headaches result from the pulling on the membranes that connect your brain to your skull. Ouch. Luckily, I escape all this and wake up hangover-free.
For years I've been doing ten minutes of yoga every morning straight after I get up, but I've been feeling stiffer over the past six months. Yet since I started drinking more water my flexibility has improved. Gemma Critchley, from the British Dietetic Association, confirms that water helps lubricate the joints.
Week Two: The blotches on my face are diminishing and the shadows around my eyes less pronounced
Week Two: The blotches on my face are diminishing and the shadows around my eyes less pronounced

Week Two

Weight: 8st 6lb (lost a pound)
Waist: 28in
My complexion is improving and my skin tone is more even. I still have wrinkles under my eyes, but they look less crepey and shadowy than before.
The blotches on my face are diminishing, and the shadows around my eyes are less pronounced.
I feel pleased when my sister-in-law tells me my skin looks clearer than it did a week ago. I have a busy week with lots of time away from home, so I stock up on half-litre bottles of mineral water I can carry around in my bag. A week's worth costs just over £8. If I spread my water intake over the day, that's half a litre when I wake up, another with breakfast, one with lunch, one in the afternoon, one with my evening meal then another before bed. It sounds like a lot, but I'm finding it manageable.
Today, I've noticed my breath smells less 'breathy', maybe because I've ditched tea - I decided water was better for me. I'm certainly not missing the sweet, milky taste it left in my mouth.
Gemma Critchley says: 'Water is obviously the best choice since it has no calories and will hydrate you efficiently.' I say I might try juice instead of water sometimes, just for the taste and variety, but she warns me not to.
'If you drink a large glass of juice, you could be consuming more energy than you need,' she says, which would mean weight gain.
I haven't had a headache for over a week now, which is unusual for me, and I'm delighted that my bowels are working so much better. Result!
I went shopping this afternoon in Leeds, but having to find a lavatory three times in five hours was irritating - they always seem to be in the most hidden corner of every shop.
I'd expected my stomach to feel bloated with all the extra water but it's actually flatter than usual. And my husband says the cellulite on my bottom and thighs has vanished.
Surely this is too good to be true?
Week Three: My skin looks plumper and more nourished
Week Three: My skin looks plumper and more nourished

Week Three

Weight: 8st 6lb
Waist: 27.5in (lost half an inch)
The dark rings and wrinkles under my eyes have virtually disappeared, and my skin looks plumper and more nourished. My friend, who is a beauty therapist, says this is because the water is helping my skin cells regenerate more efficiently.
I've noticed I've stopped rubbing my eyes when I wake up in the morning. They used to be dry and full of sleep, but not now. All this extra water must be keeping them moist.
I'm feeling guilty about all the plastic bottles I've been using so I'm back on Yorkshire tap water, which I carry around in a re-usable water bottle.
I have to take a long train journey and I realise afterwards how productive I felt and how easy I found it to concentrate, rather than having my customary snooze.
Dr Emma Derbyshire, senior lecturer in nutritional physiology at Manchester Metropolitan University and adviser to the Natural Hydration Council, says: 'Our brain is 73 per cent water, so poor hydration can affect how it functions. Dehydration can reduce our ability to concentrate as well as our cognitive performance.'
The downside was having to use train toilets. Dreadful.
I'm eating less because drinking water with meals makes me feel fuller quicker. I used to snack, but I was reaching for food when I was actually thirsty. Studies show 37 per cent of people mistake thirst for hunger.
When I put on eye make-up, my eyes seem less wrinkled. When I rubbed an eye-shadow applicator over my eyelid, it used to drag the skin with it, too, but now my skin seems to have more elasticity.
Week Four: I am going to keep on drinking three litres of water every day
Week Four: I am going to keep on drinking three litres of water every day

Week Four

Weight: 8st 5lb (lost another 1lb)
Waist: 27in (another half an inch)
I genuinely can't believe the difference in my face. I look like a different woman. The dark shadows around my eyes have all but disappeared and the blotches have gone. My skin is almost as dewy as it was when I was a child. The transformation is nothing short of remarkable.
I'm feeling leaner and fitter, too, which is amazing, since the only thing I've changed is the amount of water I drink. My best friend says she's worried about how much water I'm consuming - she's heard rumours about Nigella Lawson being an 'aquaholic' who drinks three litres before bed.
But I am following safe guidelines under the supervision of my GP, so I am able to reassure her.
I even enjoy another boozy night out but drink lots of water along the way and wake up feeling fresh as a daisy. Whatever happens, I am going to keep on drinking three litres of water a day - and would advise every woman to do the same (after checking with her doctor, of course).
I feel fitter, leaner and healthier, and my husband and friends tell me I look ten years younger. Who in their right mind would not want to try something which gets such incredible results?

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Breast Pump + suplemen shaklee MEngikut Bajet ANda


Pelancarkan promosi breastpum  + suplemen shaklee mengikut bajet customer... 
NIat saya ingin membantu semua mommy dapat menyusukan anak mereka hingga berumur 2 tahun atau pun sekurang-kurangnya 6 bulan...
Jangan malu-malu call/msg/watsapp/pm saya
Sekadar ingin bertanya pun saya layan juga...jangan risau
Promosi ini yang sah breast pump dengan suplemen shaklee sahaja...

Friday, November 15, 2013

Baby tersedak susu selamat dengan bantuan pertolongan cemas ibu nya

Alhamdillilah panjang umur baby nie... saya puji mommy dia pandai membuat pertolongan cemas n cepat bertindak bagaimana untuk menyelamatkan anak dia...

So kepada semua pengasuh saya sarankan g laa belajar pertolongan cemas dapat membantu n menyelamatkan nyawa insan lain.. n semua yang ingin jadi pengasuh n pengusaha taska please  laa study skit n belajar untuk menjadi pengasuh yang lagi bijak n bertauliah...

Sedut hidung selamat nyawa

Oleh Shaiful Shahrin Ahmad Pauzi
Kuala Kangsar: Seorang ibu yang masih dalam tempoh berpantang bertindak pantas dengan menyedut hidung bayinya dalam usaha menyelamatkan mangsa berusia lima hari yang hampir maut akibat tercekik susu.
Dalam kejadian kira-kira jam 12.30 tengah hari kelmarin, ibu malang terbabit yang hanya mahu dikenali sebagai Roshaniza, 29, berkata, insiden itu berlaku ketika dia tinggal dengan bayinya, Muhammad Harith Amsyar di rumah mereka di Taman Bunga Raya, di sini.

Menurutnya, dia meninggalkan bayinya itu seketika untuk ke tandas sebelum terdengar bayinya menangis dan terbatuk-batuk.
“Sebaik keluar dari tandas, saya terkejut apabila melihat tubuh bayi saya bertukar kebiru-biruan. Saya melihat susu mengalir dari hidung anak saya lantas saya menepuk belakangnya bagi memastikan dia tidak terus tercekik dan sukar bernafas,” katanya.

Dia kemudian segera menyedut hidung bayinya itu dengan menggunakan mulut bagi mengeluarkan susu yang tersekat di rongga mulut dan hidung bayinya itu. “Akhirnya beberapa ketulan susu beku yang tersekat di dalam hidungnya berjaya dikeluarkan.

“Selepas berjaya mengeluarkan ketulan itu, saya dapati bayi saya mula bernafas semula, namun tubuhnya masih lemah dan kelemasan. Saya segera menggagahkan diri memandu kereta kepunyaan ayah ke Hospital Kuala Kangsar yang terletak 15 kilometer dari rumah untuk menyelamatkannya,” katanya.
ROSHANIZA memangku bayinya yang nyaris maut tercekik susu, tengah hari kelmarin.
Menurutnya, dia mengetepikan rasa sakit dan menggagahkan diri untuk memandu kereta selama hampir 30 minit untuk sampai ke hospital berkenaan.

“Saya hanya memikirkan nyawa anak saya kerana bimbang sesuatu yang buruk berlaku. Sebaik tiba di pekarangan Wad Kecemasan Hospital Kuala Kangsar, saya segera memaklumkan kepada kakitangan wad itu supaya segera memberikan bantuan kecemasan kepada bayi saya itu.
“Mujurlah petugas terbabit prihatin dan bertindak pantas. Akhirnya nyawa anak saya dapat diselamatkan dan Muhammad Harith kembali aktif seperti sedia kala,” katanya.

Menurutnya, pengalaman itu memberi banyak pengajaran berguna kepadanya, terutama dalam aspek penjagaan bayi.
Artikel ini disiarkan pada : 2013/09/26

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Besday balqis yang kedua tahun

Sekejap ajee rase balqis dah 2 tahun dah..
Tahun nie ayah adiahkan basikal untuk balqis...
Sonok laa tu... 
Wane hijau lagi gitu...
Hari PErtama Nur Balqis dapat basikaln bawa basikal 12 okt 2013
NI aksi nur balqis bawa basikal 
Memula dapat memang ala-ala mengerikan
Sori yeaa anak dara i memang  tak suka pakai baju hiiihihihi

Sekarang nie dalam rumah naik basikal ajee..
Dari dapo nak kedepan pun nak naik basikal jugak
Tonton Tv pun naik basikal jugak
Laa nie dah pandai nak langgar orang daaa
Langgar ibu ... siap balqis

Monday, November 4, 2013

Lazy way to lose weight

This is a lazy way to lose weight. It burns hundreds of calories even if you are just sitting down on your computer. It also increases your metabolism which helps in weight loss

For Recipe. You Need:
2 tsp Honey
1 tsp Cinnamon
1cup/ 8oz/ 237 ml Water

1) Use 1 part of cinnamon to 2 parts of raw honey. 1 tsp cinnamon to 2 tsp honey is recommended.
2) Boil 1 cup/8oz/237 ml of water.
3) Pour the boiling water on cinnamon. Cover it and let it steep until it is warm enough to drink.
4) Add honey when the water is cool/warm. Never add honey when it is hot as the heat will destroy the enzymes and other nutrients in the raw honey.
5) Drink 1/2 of this before going to bed. The other half should be covered and refrigerated and drink it in the morning. Do not re-heat it in the morning.

Do not add any flavors in this mixture. And this recipe only works if you drink it on empty stomach.

Friday, November 1, 2013

DIY untuk rumah sendirikan

JoM kekawan kita buat sendiri
boleh jimat
kira bile siap limited edition laaa
sebab ada kat umah kita ade...

nie semua saya cari dari intenet
saya baru nak mula buat salah satu dari gamba diatas
untuk rumah baru nanti


Bisnes online dikenakan SGT

Pepagi hari buka fb tebaca artikel nie... member bisnes tag....oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ada rase bengang disitu... yelah orang cepat melatah memang cam saya nie... cepat benooo nak melenting tanpa baca artikel... ambik tahu apa GST nie...
tu laa apa-apa sebelum nak menolak atau nak melenting kita penuhkan ilmu didada dulu... pastu kalau nak jumpe menteri pergi laaa
jom kita berkenalan dengan GST copy dari kpkk.

Apa itu GST
GST adalah cukai penggunaan yang dikenakan ke atas aktiviti nilai tambah pada setiap
peringkat rangkaian pengedaran semua barang dan perkhidmatan, termasuk yang diimport
melainkan yang dikecualikan oleh Kerajaan

 Kadar GST
Kadar GST dicadangkan pada 4% iaitu lebih rendah dari kadar cukai jualan (5% dan 10%)
dan cukai perkhidmatan (5%) yang dikenakan pada masa sekarang

Apakah barang-barang yang tidak dikenakan GST?
Hampir semua barang makanan asas rakyat Malaysia seperti beras, minyak masak, sayur
sayuran, ikan, telur, daging, ayam, gula dan tepung tidak dikenakan GST (pembekalan
berkadar sifar). Rujuk
Jadual 1
 Barang Makanan
a. Beras & padi – semua jenis beras dan padi termasuk beras pulut, beras perang
dan beras hancur

b. Gula – semua jenis gula kecuali gula kastor dan gula ising

c. Tepung – tepung gandum, tepung beras, tepung pulut, tepung attar,
tepung ubi dan tepung sagu kecuali tepung jagung dan

d. Minyak masak – semua jenis minyak masak kecuali minyak bunga matahari,
minyak jagung, minyak bijan, minyak zaitun

e. Garam – garam makan termasuk garam bukit

f. Sayuran – semua jenis sayuran seperti termasuk kentang, tomato,
bawang, bawang putih, timun, lobak, keladi, keledek, ubi kayu,
jagung dan dal

g. Rempah ratus – termasuk lada hitam, buah pala, kulit kayu manis, halia, asam
jawa, serbuk kari

Binatang hidup,daging binatang dan organ dalaman binatang
– seperti lembu, kerbau, khinzir, kambing, ayam dan itik

Ikan dan isi ikan – semua jenis ikan kecuali ikan hiasan dan ikan untuk umpan
– semua jenis isi ikan yang diproses (segar, jeruk atau kering) kecuali sirip yu
Kerang – termasuk udang kara, ketam dan udang
Molluscs – termasuk sotong, siput
Telur burung – ayam dan itik

Bekalan elektrik – bekalan elektrik kepada pengguna domestic untuk 200 KWH
yang pertama

Bekalan air – bekalan air kepada pengguna domestic 35 meter padu yang pertama
kecuali distilled water, de-ionised water, oxygenised water dan air mineral

Pengangkutan penumpang (tempatan)
– pengangkutan awam secara rel (KTM, LRT, ERL, Monorail)
– kapal, bot dan feri
– bus ekspress, bas henti-henti, bas pekerja, bas sekolah dan
bas feeder
– teksi dan kereta sewa
- perkhidmatan ambulan

Perkhidmatan kesihatan – perkhidmatan kesihatan oleh hospital dan klinik swasta
Perkhidmatan pendidikan
– aktiviti pendidikan dan latihan oleh insititusi pendidikan
– kantin di sekolah rendah dan menengah

Bekalan tanah dan rumah kediaman
– pelupusan atau pemberian tanah oleh Kerajaan Negeri
– jual, beli dan sewa rumah kediaman termasuk rumak kos
rendah dan sederhana
– jual, beli dan sewa/pajak tanah bagi kegunaan pertanian
– tanah bagi kegunaan awam seperti untuk bangunan

Kerajaan atau tanah kubur
Bekalan emas – Bekalan emas untuk tujuan pelaburan
– Bekalan emas tulen dari refiner kepada pembeli pertama untuk tujuan pelaburan 
Perkhidmatan kewangan Bank
– pendapatan faedah dari aktiviti pemberian pinjaman,
pendahuluan, overdraf dan lain-lain kemudahan kredit
– pulangan dari uruseniaga pelaburan seperi dividen kasar
dan keuntungan dari pelupusan asset kewangan

* Sumber: Kementerian Kewangan (MOF) dan Kastam DiRaja Malaysia (KDRM)

dah baca tapi masih ala-alaa tak faham lagi laa....
takpe balik nie nak tanya dengan en suami... dai mesti laa kene faham...
keee ada kekawan yang disini faham berkenaan niee...
bboleh laa komen tukar-tuka pendapat

Hari Raya 2019

Ini budak nama dia Nur Zalfha Umairah baru berusia 2 tahun 5 bulan... Nak di jadi kan cerita malam raya 2019 dia jatuh sofa yang tak brap...